MIC/MDC-1 (T) : Inorganic Chemistry Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding and Fundamentals of organic Chemistry
MIC-1 (T): Inorganic Chemistry Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
(Theory: 2 credits)
Unit 1: Atomic Structure:
Review of Bohr’s theory and its limitations, dual behaviour of matter and radiation, de-Broglie’s relation, Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. Hydrogen atoms spectra. Need of a new approach to Atomic Structure.
Significance of quantum numbers, orbital angular momentum and quantum numbers mi and ms. Shapes of s, p and d atomic orbitals, nodal planes. Discovery of spin, spin quantum number(s) and magnetic spin quantum number (ms).
Rules for filling electrons in various orbitals, Electronic configurations of the atoms. Stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals, concept of exchange energy. Relative energies of atomic orbitals, Anomalous electronic configuration, Hund’s, Pauli’s and Aufbau’s principle.
Unit 2: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Ionic Bonding: General characteristics of ionic bonding. Energy considerations in ionic bonding, lattice energy and solvation energy and their importance in the context of stability and solubility of ionic compounds. Statements of Born-Lande equation for calculation
of lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle and its applications, polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan’s rules, ionic character in covalent compounds, bond moment, dipole moment and percentage ionic character.
Covalent bonding : VB Approach: Shapes of some inorganic molecules and ions on the basic of VSEPR and hybridization with suitable examples of linear, trigonal planar, square planar, tetrahdral, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral arrangements. Concept of resonance and resonating structures in various inorganic and organic compounds.
Unit 3: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Physical Effects, Electronic Displacements: Inductive Effect, Electromeric Effect, Resonance and Hyperconjugation. Cleavage of Bonds: Homolysis and Heterolysis.
Structure, shape and reactivity of organic molecules: Nucleophiles and electrophiles. Reactive Intermediates: Carbocations. Carbanions and free radicals.
Strength of organic acids and bases: Comparative study with emphasis on factors affecting pK values. Aromaticity : Benzenoids and Huckel’s rule.
Unit 4 : Stereochemistry
Conformations with respect to ethane, butane and cyclohexane. Interconversion of Wedge Formula, Newmann, Sawhorse and Fischer representations. Concept of chirality (upto two carbon atoms). Configuration : Geometrical and Optical isomerism; Enantiomerism, Diastereomerism and Meso compounds). Threo and erythro; D and L; cis – trans nomenclature; CIP Rules: R/S (for upto 2 chiral carbon atoms) and E/ZNomenclature (for upto two C = C systems).
(Practical : 1 Credit)
Practical-1. Inorganic Chemistry Practical
- Preparation and standardization of solutions.
- Permangnatometry / dichromatry.
- Acidimetry / Alkalimetry.
Practical-2. Organic Chemistry Practical
- Organic Practical : Detection of elements, separation and purification of Organic Compounds.
MIC-1 (PRACTICAL)-2 Credit
The CIA examination in Practical should be just as Mock test and it must be on the Pattern of proper 3hrs End-semester Examination.
Sl. No. | Component | CIA | End-Semester |
1. | Experiment Allotted | 15 | 45 |
2. | Continuous Practical Record | 05 | 10 |
3. | Viva-Voce | 10 | 15 |
30 | 70 |
Total = 100 Marks
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Ranjeet Kumar Pathak
( B.Sc Physics V.K.S. University )